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A strategic partnership to reshape education

At the International Canadian Academy, our mission is to develop a model of school that enables learners to foster the lifelong competencies they need to thrive in their life.


Our franchising model is based on the most effective Canadian and International practices. We provide our franchisees with all the materials, support and professional learning they need to operate transformative institutions.

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Andre Nudelman, chairman of ICA

With decades of global experience in paving the way for quality education programs, Andre Nudelman, chairman of ICA and Entrepreneur in Residence at Stanford Graduate School of Education, is the former co-owner and President of Maple Bear Schools Latin America, with headquarters in Canada and over 500 schools worldwide. 


Andre is also the chairman of Digital Media Academy, an EduTech company founded at Stanford in 1999. His extensive range of activities also includes Interactive Health International, an online simulation system for medical education.


The International Canadian Academy is the result of this successful experience, combined with a forward-thinking vision to reshape education.

From their Vancouver Headquarters,  the ICA team is building trustful and constructive collaborations with ICA partners, experts, schools and educators to lead the worldwide shift in Education that all learners need. Before developing ICA with Andre Nudelman, Stéphane had a rich experience in the field of education as he worked with teachers and students from Kindergarten to University.

This experience covers four continents, including Africa, where he conducted research for which he obtained a Ph.D. He then lectured at two universities in France until he moved to China where he started a new career as an international school educator. Stéphane has also participated in the creation of the UNODC Education for Justice programme in Vienna and made some presentations at Education Conferences in Europe. 

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Dr. Stéphane Vermeulin, Executive Manager

Digital Media Academy

Estamos em um momento crucial da história.

Na International Comprehensive, acreditamos que a educação é fundamental para tornar o mundo um lugar melhor. Preparar alunos e educadores em todo o mundo para o sucesso em todos os aspectos de suas vidas significa que devemos operar uma mudança de enfoque nas escolas para o desenvolvimento de competências ao longo da vida.

Não apenas o mundo está mudando rapidamente, mas também se tornou mais interconectado e imprevisível, sendo a pandemia de Covid-19 a ilustração mais óbvia e recente dessa tendência. As competências ao longo da vida constituem o melhor ativo para se adaptar a qualquer situação e imaginar soluções originais, sustentáveis, criativas, inovadoras, atenciosas e equitativas.

Na International Comprehensive, somos uma equipe internacional de indivíduos apaixonados que compartilham valores fundamentais que realmente orientam nossos comportamentos, pensamentos e ações no dia a dia. Vivemos literalmente os valores essenciais de autenticidade, curiosidade, criatividade, confiança, integridade, compaixão, inovação, liderança, diversidade, justiça e crescimento, pois eles representam a base de nossa organização.

Nossa equipe está entusiasmada e totalmente comprometida em trabalhar junto com nossos parceiros para atender às necessidades de todos os alunos, famílias e escolas em todo o mundo.

Gostaríamos muito de recebê-lo em nossa comunidade de alunos!

ICA Elementary and Secondary Programs include 30+ DMA courses that can be done in class by any teacher in a fun and engaging way. It offers a unique opportunity to acquire innovative skills and improve English proficiency at the same time.
All ICA schools automatically receive the Digital Media Academy Certification.

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As a brand new, yet experienced education company, ICA offers a unique education model, based on the International Comprehensive (IC) framework.  IC's competency-driven learning framework focuses on the lifelong growth of every learner to pursue their aspiration accomplished through an inquiry-based approach.

All ICA schools are authorized by IC to use the IC framework, pedagogy resources and they can benefit from a rich catalogue of professional learning courses and workshops to ensure the continuous improvement of ICA educators.


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Richmond School District, Canada
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ICA works  in partnership with Richmond International Education and the Richmond School District, which has 20,000 students in 38 elementary schools, 10 secondary schools and other educational settings. Their expertise in all academic areas, English Learning, global education and teacher training contributes to strengthen the ICA program.



Richmond experts contribute to building and enhancing ICA's curriculum and actively participate in Quality Assurance and Professional Learning for ICA Schools educators.


Professional Learning courses and workshops can be organized online, on-site and in one of Richmond’s 48 schools and learning centres.

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ICA franchising provides schools with the highest quality program, fully developed to potentialize each student, teacher and school.


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